Homemade Popsicles 
June 18, 2013
[Elaine] in dessert

Here is a fun summer treat that's easy to make and doesn't require popsicle molds.  These fun homemade popsicles are made in little dixie cups.  I've made them with three layers - two fruit purees, one blueberry and the other strawberry, and a white layer of cream cheese and yogurt.  They will be great for the Fourth of July.  Pass around a platter of these to your guests.  

The yogurt/cream cheese layer is so rich and creamy and is a nice contrast to the freshness of the fruit purees.  I used blueberries because you don't need to strain out the seeds like blackberries, but you can really use any fruit you like.  

I think the 3 ounce dixie cups make the perfect serving size for these popsicles.  If you take them out of the freezer for about 10 minutes before serving, the popsicles just squeeze right out.  You can also just gently tear the paper away from the popsicle.  

Homemade Popsicles with Fruit, Cream Cheese, Greek Yogurt

for a printable recipe, click here

makes 24 popsicles

You will need 24 3-ounce dixie cups and 24 popsicle sticks


for the fruit purees:

for the cream cheese/yogurt layer:


first, a layer of blueberry puree . . .

then a layer of the yogurt/cream cheese filling.  Then some strawberry puree . . .

the a final little layer of blueberry puree and a popsicle stick


Place strawberries and 4 tablespoons sugar in a food processor and process until pureed.  Scrape out the puree and pour into a bowl - don't bother to clean the processor.  Place the blueberries and 4 tablespoons sugar in the processor and puree.  Empty into another bowl.

Place the softened cream cheese, 2/3 cup sugar and yogurt into a mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Blend well. 

Make the popsicles:  Place the dixie cups on a sheet that will fit into your freezer. Pour a scant tablespoon of the blueberry puree into each of the cups.  For the second layer, place a level tablespoon of yogurt filling into the cups.  I like to do this with two spoons - it makes it easier, scraping the filling off from one spoon into the cup. With the back of a spoon, smooth down the yogurt layer so it's level.  For the third layer, place a level tablespoon of strawberry puree on top of the yogurt filling.  For the final layer, place a rounded teaspoon of blueberry puree on top.  Place a popsicle stick in each cup and place in freezer at least 3 hours or until firm

To serve, remove from freezer and let sit about 10 minutes. You can gently squeeze out the popsicles or just tear off the paper with care.

note:  you can make these the day before and they keep in the freezer just fine

Article originally appeared on The Italian Dish (http://theitaliandishblog.com/).
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