Happy Easter
April 8, 2009

I'm on vacation this week with my family (at a place that has free wireless in the lobby - always a plus) but I wanted to post something for Easter.  I obviously won't be cooking this week, but I would like to steer you to a post I wrote last year,  showing how to make the traditional Italian Easter Bread.  It's a sweet, soft and really delicious bread that I think you will love.  If you're going to someone's house for Easter, take along a few of these and they will be a hit.

Italian Easter Bread

And if you still want to make some more fun treats for Easter, hop on over to the Queen of Fabulous Treats, Bakerella, and check out her Easter Bunny Cake Pops and her Easter Chicks Cake Pops.  Both absolutely adorable.

Buona Pasqua!

Article originally appeared on The Italian Dish (https://theitaliandishblog.com/).
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