Limoncello Biscotti

Breaking out the limoncello at this freezing time of year makes me dream of the Amalfi coast and the warm sunshine and beautiful lemons there. I was going to make limoncello cookies, but then decided to do a limoncello biscotti recipe - better for dunking in hot coffee.
If you've never made biscotti before, this crunchy type of cookie is baked twice in order to get that crisp dry texture. Biscotti are very easy to make - the dough comes together quickly and then you just form it into separate logs and bake. After they cool, slice them in to the sizes you want and bake again. I dipped mine, after they cooled again, in white and dark chocolate but you can just leave them plain if you like.
I used some almond flour in this recipe because I really like the flavor it gives to the cookie, along with a few drops of almond extract. The recipe only uses eggs and no butter, so the cookies keep a little longer. Also, if you don't want to use limoncello, just sub out lemon juice.
Limoncello Biscotti
for a printable recipe click here
makes about 36 biscotti
- 3 cups AP flour
- 1 cup almond flour
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 3 large eggs
- 1 cup sugar
- 4 drops of almond extract
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/4 cup limoncello
- zest of 2 lemons
- 4 ounces of white chocolate (optional)
- 4 ounces of bittersweet chocolate (optional)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Line two rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Add flours, salt and baking powder together in a small bowl and set aside.
Mix eggs and sugar together with an electric mixer or stand mixer with the paddle attachment until light and fluffly, about 5 minutes.. Add extracts, limoncello, and lemon zest and mix well. Add flour mixture slowly until well blended.
Divide batter in thirds. The batter will be wet and sticky. With either wet hands or well floured hands or (my favorite) a wet spatula and a wet knife, shape the batter into three loaves divided between the two pans. Dip the knife into water periodically and shape the loaves into about 9" x 3½" size. You can vary the size of the loave you make to reflect the size of your finished biscotti.
Bake the loaves for about 25 minutes or until the edges are just starting to turn golden and the tops might start cracking a little. Cool for about 30 minutes. Keep the baking sheets and parchment paper out and the oven on.
Slice the loaves into about ½" slices. Place the slices onto the baking sheets and bake again for about 10 minutes, flip the biscotti and bake 10 minutes more.
If desired, you can dip the biscotti into chocolates. Melt the chocolate and just dip the bottoms into the chocolate. Place in the refrigerator to firm up the chocolates for about 20 minutes.
These are great either with a glass of limoncello or a cup of espresso.
Store them in an airtight container at room temperature. They keep for 2 weeks. They also freeze really well.
Reader Comments (33)
Love this! I think you skipped the AP flour, etc. addition in the steps. Can't wait to try it :)
I hate to sound dumb, but, what is AP flour? I still have some lemoncello I bought in Sicily a few years ago.
From The Italian Dish:
Beth: No, in the recipe it says "add flours. . ." meaning to add both the AP flour and the almond flour.
Terri: AP flour is All Purpose Flour, the kind of flour that is the most common in the grocery store and a blend of soft and hard wheats that makes for a good general purpose flour.
These look so good. I love making Biscotti. I like that you use different flours. I like to use whole wheat and barley flour for a more rustic consistency. I will have to try almond flour, it looks like the texture of your biscotti is more fine-grained which looks beautiful. I bet they taste amazing as well.
Beth---I would recommend adding the flour to the wet ingredients gradually. Then proceed to making the logs.
Comment to Italian Dish...The directions read: "Add flours, salt and baking powder together in a small bowl and set aside." Somewhere along the line the wet ingredients in the mixer bowl and the dry ingredients in the small bowl that's been set aside, have to get married. :-)
Now I have to go make some! I knew I'd hung on to that bottle of Limoncello for some reason...
Can you direct us to a Limoncello recipe? It would be fun to make both!
I am going to try these. They look delicious. I have never used Almond flour and am curious to try it.
Refering to the recipe... Add flours, salt and baking powder together in a small bowl and set aside.
Mix eggs and sugar together with an electric mixer or stand mixer with the paddle attachment until light and fluffly, about 5 minutes.. Add extracts, limoncello, and lemon zest and mix well.
I think you forgot to mention you add the flour mixture into the eggs and sugar and mix well.
I know what to do, but some people wouldn't. Just wanted to mention this.
Thanks for all your yummy recipes. I really enjoy your blog.
Mary Fran Smith
I am allergic to tree nuts. What kind of flour would you recommend in place of the almond flour?
From The Italian Dish:
Debbie: There is a link in the post to our limoncello recipe.
Valerie: If you can't use almond flour, just use all regular AP flour. Add a 1/2 cup more of AP flour if you do this. (The almond flour absorbs more liquid). kitchen is filled with the perfume of lemons. They are on their second trip through the oven--they will taste beyond wonderful if the crumbs I ate are any indication! :-)
I just bought some limoncello, and I love biscotti. Will try those out. Thanks !
I love anything lemon! I've used your Limoncello recipe and it's great. Now to make your Limoncello Biscotti. This recipe comes just in time for our trip to Florida. They will pack well and will make our family happy when they taste them. Thank you so much for sharing this.
I hate to say this but what is limoncello and where do u get it, recipe sounds delicious !!!
Message to Beth - if you read the recipe again carefully you will see that after the instruction to add essences, Limoncello and zest it says "add flour mixture slowly until well blended".
From The Italian Dish:
Thanks all - I fixed the error!
Roseann: Limoncello is an Italian drink that is made by infusing alcohol with lemon peel. I have a link to the recipe we use to make it in the post. If you don't want to make it yourself (it takes a couple of weeks) you can easily buy Limoncello in the liquor store.
Yum! Love biscotti! I also like the way you dipped them in chocolate..a little bit in every bite!
I love baking biscotti; I'm trying to bake gluten-free; any suggestions which gluten-free flours?
I made them this morning. My home smelled wonderfully of lemon and baked goodies for hours. The biscotti are to die for: the lemon flavor permeates the biscotti. I didn't use the chocolate because I don't like that really sweet stuff in my coffee. I guess I am a purist. :-)
Anyway, great recipe Italian Dish!
What a lovely recipe and beautiful photos! Now I know what to do with the extra bottle of limoncello I have...other than drink it of course!
In the oven now! Can't wait, but just a comment that for a 9-inch long loaf and 31/2 inches high, I only had enough batter (really a "dough" for me rather than batter) for forming TWO loaves, not three. Hmm. Strange - anyone else out there?
Elaine - your website is gorgeous, gorgeous! so happy I came upon it
Hi Gerry--
It's 3.5 inches WIDE, not tall. That might make the difference. I got 3 loaves.
Hi Christine,
CLEARLY I shouldn't have been nipping at the limoncello while baking these. Thank you for pointing out the obvious, I needed it! :-)
These biscotti look delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe!
O WoW! It looks delicious!:)
I love food with any kind of citrus in it, and this looks so yummy
Thanks for sharing
These biscottis look amazing. I love serving these with coffee to my guests! I have always been more of an almond biscotti person but I'll surely have to try these lemon ones.
Oh ... My ... God. Just pulled them out of their last trip through the oven. Oh ... My ... God. House smells AMAZING, for one thing, and taste is simply fabulous! This was the test run, trying to decide which Italian cookies to make for the Venetian table at a family wedding. These are, without a doubt, a keeper. Debating on whether to do the chocolate - I didn't have any at the moment so I skipped it today. They do look awfully pretty in the picture with the chocolate, but they don't need the chocolate to be well worth baking for yourself, never mind a wedding!
Update: I did make these for that wedding ... they were a beautiful addition to the Venetian Table. While many of the things on there were old family recipes, I am calling this one a new family recipe ... I'm in the family and I will be making them again and again. Thanks so much!!!
Can fine yellow cornmeal be used in place of almond flour on the limoncello biscotti
From The Italian Dish:
Tom: I have never tried swapping out cornmeal for the almond flour. I love almond flour! Does someone have an allergy? You can just use all regular flour if you need to!
No allergy just that I had a lemon biscotti with yellow cornmeal and it had a different but interesting texture
A terrific easy recipe with no butter and therefore more healthful! The first time I made them I thought they were good but a little too bland for my taste. But they were gone within a few days anyway . The next time I used 1 +1/2 cp sugar, 1+1/2 tsp vanilla and extra almond extract. to taste They were delicious!!! Didn't need the chocolate, which I didn't try the first time anyway. I may try it next time. Thanks for a great recipe!
I make my own almond flour. Just toast regular almonds in oven until fragrant then put them in food processor and swirl until you have fine , fine almonds.