Welcome to My New Home

Welcome to my new home on the web. Come on in and have a look around! This has been quite a learning experience, designing this site and getting it up and running. Jumping over from my old home at Blogger was a little bit scary, but thanks to the brilliant people at Squarespace, it has been a lot of fun. If you're a blogger and you don't know about Squarespace, you might want to check them out. It's a blogging/web site platform that is incredibly customizable and will also host your site. It's amazing the control you have over your design, without having to know HTML or CSS coding, or depending on a designer for every little change. And, besides, they're just so darn nice!
So browse around and let me know what you think!
Note: If you have this site bookmarked, please remember to update it. If you are subscribed, you don't need to do a thing.
I have a lot of delicious recipes coming up, so let's get cooking!
Reader Comments (9)
Love the new look!
this looks fab Elaine!!!! Now lets go to Ixtapa in January!
Lovely new site. And, your food photography is absolutely beautiful.
Hi Elaine,
Here is a test. It wouldn't take my url. Normally, I just post www.spinachtiger.com and that is never a problem. It said it was invalid.
Angela: I think you need to include "http://" in your URL. Thanks!
Hi Elaine I finally got in but it wasn't easy! Page is still jumpy!
Another test for you.
I'm about to jump from blogger to a new site for my food blog as well - can you share with me two things? Did you keep your blogger address and if someone goes there do they automatically get rerouted to this new site? What did you use for this blog - Wordpress or something else? And finally, if someone was signed up to get your blogger feed via RSS do they need to do anything new or does it automatically reroute? Many thanks for any tips you can provide!
(From The Italian Dish)
Yes, I did keep my Blogger address and if people go there, I posted a couple of widgets at the top to tell them that I moved and included a link to the new site. I may stick some code in the template to do an automatic redirect, but just have not yet.
I used Squarespace for this blog, which I talk about in the post and include a link to them.
My subscribers didn't need to do a thing - that is also in the post - I just went to Feedburner and put in my new domain. I had a little trouble, but Squarespace helped me.