Homemade Apple Chips

Well, the holidays are over and what a whirlwind it was. And so much fun. My brothers and their families came to visit and I did a ton of cooking for that, including an enormous batch of chicken ragu, which I smartly froze ahead of time. That was a timesaver. I made big pork loins stuffed with one of my favorite stuffings. I also made Jamie's Peanut Butter Parfaits which were a big hit. We decorated Oreo cookies and I made Cranberry Upside Down Cake. It was all a lot of fun.
I also got to reveal something that I had kept a bit of a secret all year. I started a knitting blog last spring but did not talk about it at all here because I couldn't let my family know about it. In March, I started a big project to knit something for every person in my family by Christmas. I ended up knitting 17 projects for everyone. What a thrill it was to finally present them to everyone during their visit. It was hours of knitting and thousands of stitches and lots of tinking, but a whole lot of love knitted into every item.
We also gave our annual Christmas Eve party at which I give out a homemade goodie at the end of the evening. This year, it was homemade apple chips, which are a fairly healthy thing to snack on and I thought might be nice for everyone during the holidays. I made them the day before the party with the help of my youngest son. We had three ovens going, baking seven pans at one time. After several hours of this, I wondered if I was crazy. But 12 hours later, the last batch was done. You, however, won't be making such large quantites so don't worry. They are very easy.
These apple chips are made by simply slicing apples very thinly on a mandoline, dusting with a little brown sugar and cinnamon and baking very slowly in a low oven for two hours, flipped the slices once after an hour. They end up becoming these nicely dehydrated, crispy sweet apple chips that delicious to eat. You will love them.
These really must be done on a mandoline. I have a heavy duty one by de Buyer that is amazing. I slice potatoes, zucchini, onions, just all kinds of food on that thing. It not only slices food far more thinly than I could by hand, but it does it perfectly uniformly and very quickly. I can zip through a pile of potatoes in no time. If you don't want to invest in one that is that expensive, there are all kinds of cheaper plastic ones that are made now that you can even get a Bed Bath and Beyond. There are many models on Amazon. Even OXO makes a neat little handheld one. A mandoline is really the way to go.
After I made the apple chips, I bagged them in cute little packages I had made up. I did the labels myself on my printer with Epson Self-Adhesive Sheets and designed the labels in Pages on my Mac. So easy. The bags were one pound glassine bags that I ordered at Nashville Wraps. I printed the top labels on card stock, cut them the width of the bags and then just folded them over and stapled them onto the bags. The two fonts I used were Pharmacy and Liorah.
Happy 2012 and I look forward to a great year of cooking with you!
Homemade Apple Chips
for a printable recipe, click here
this makes about 25 chips
1 large Granny Smith apple
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 225 degrees F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper (please do not use wax paper).
Using a mandoline, slice the apples as thinly as you can. Mix the sugar and the cinnamon in a shallow bowl and dip the apple slices lightly in the mixture, just lightly coating them. Lay the slices on the baking sheets, about 12 slices per sheet. Bake for 1 hour. Remove one pan at a time and flip the apple slices over with tongs. When you return pans to oven, also rotate them - put the one that was on the top rack on the bottom. Bake for one more hour. Remove pans from oven. Apple slices will start to harden up pretty quickly. Remove with tongs.
Enjoy making homemade chips? Try making healthy homemade Beet Chips:

Reader Comments (75)
From The Italian Dish:
Ashley: You need to use baking parchment paper, not wax paper! Parchment paper is especially made for use in baking so that things do not stick. Try them again used parchment and I guarantee you will be able to flip them. Hope this helps.
I made these this weekend and when I pulled them out of the oven, I had my doubts because mine didnt look nearly as pretty as yours. (Probably because I used dark brown sugar instead) But OH MY WORD...they were so good!! They are already gone and my second batch is in the oven as we speak. :) thanks!
I just stumbled on your blog looking for things to do with this abundance of apples I have. You're so thorough! I can't wait to investigate your other posts. :)
These are amazing! I've made these a couple of times now. They are so addicting! I love them so much I posted a link to yours on my blog. Thanks for the recipe!
Can you use the food hydrator instead of the oven?
Hey! I just featured this as a favorite snack recipe on my blog! yum yum
Can you do banana chips in oven as well
From The Italian Dish:
Dayna: Yes, I would think you could use your food dehydrator for these.
LeeAnn: I've never tried making banana chips! If you make them, would you post a follow up comment and let us know how they turned out?
I made two batches this afternoon! Although I think I used a little too much cinnamon it was still delicious! Thanks for sharing this awesome recipe! (:
I am going on a car trip on Sunday afternoon to Wisconsin Dells. My sister is packed chocolate chip cookies brownies with powdered sugar on top sugary cereals eccetera eccetera. I'm going to make these wonderful looking apple chips and see if I can't entice some of the children away from the sugary sweets with these! Thank you so very very much, and God bless!
The first time I made these, I used wax paper. DON’T DO IT! The apples stuck so well that I couldn’t get them off.
The next batch I used silpat liners. You can buy them in Bed, Bath and Beyond. They are a silicone sheet that is reusable. The apple chips came out perfectly and did not stick to the liner. I used tongs to flip them and they peeled off wonderfully and did not tear at all!
These apple chips are delicious! I am in the middle of making a big batch for my book club. I am sure they will love them....my whole family does!!!
These were amazing. I already had a sweeter apple (fuji) so I just sprinkled some cinnamon on them.
From The Italian Dish:
Ashley: Wax paper will not work for baking! You need to use parchment paper, which is made especially for baking. Good parchment paper releases food easily. You can also use a Silpat or nonstick aluminum foil. Wax paper is not made for the oven! Hope you will try again.
Hello Elaine~~These looks fantastic! Can other types of apples work? I bought 2 or 3 HUGE Honeycrisp apples this week and wonder ho0w they'd work. They are the size of soft balls! Thanks, Diane
From The Italian Dish:
Diane: Any type of apple will work. Enjoy!
thanks for the recipe. Made it today and it was really good and so easy to make.
how do you get the "star" in the middle of the apple slices?
From The Italian Dish:
Rogard: The star naturally appears when you slice an apple around its equator instead of from the stem to the bottom!
Yummy these look delicious! Simple and easy just as I like :) can't wait to try it this weekend.
I love the chips. Can I recommend a greaseproof Kraft bags for your handmade chips packaging? You can use thse bags to pack and share your chips with your friends in a party.
I will create these lovely appearing apple chips and find out if I can not lure a few of the kids away in the sugary sweets together with these!
I never see this recipe, completely new to me. I love people who share and inspire others to eat and drink healthy. I appreciate your writings and the recipe. I am going to try this by myself.
Unique receipe! ots looks so delicious! I mi=ust try it with my family on coming weekend!
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