Homemade Apple Chips

Well, the holidays are over and what a whirlwind it was. And so much fun. My brothers and their families came to visit and I did a ton of cooking for that, including an enormous batch of chicken ragu, which I smartly froze ahead of time. That was a timesaver. I made big pork loins stuffed with one of my favorite stuffings. I also made Jamie's Peanut Butter Parfaits which were a big hit. We decorated Oreo cookies and I made Cranberry Upside Down Cake. It was all a lot of fun.
I also got to reveal something that I had kept a bit of a secret all year. I started a knitting blog last spring but did not talk about it at all here because I couldn't let my family know about it. In March, I started a big project to knit something for every person in my family by Christmas. I ended up knitting 17 projects for everyone. What a thrill it was to finally present them to everyone during their visit. It was hours of knitting and thousands of stitches and lots of tinking, but a whole lot of love knitted into every item.