Blueberry Walkaway

Many years ago when I was a newlywed living in Chapel Hill, there was a bakery downtown that served pastries called Walkaways. They cut off a slice and gave it to you in a napkin and . . . you walked away with it. Anyway, we still call them that to this day. They're fruit stuffed pastries with cream cheese that are heavenly.
I would make them myself back then with (cringe) Pillsbury Crescent Roll dough, canned pie filling and some slices of cream cheese. That works, but this version is so much better. I actually use the dough for my Cinnamon Bread for these now. That dough recipe makes two loaves of bread - it also make two walkaways (or one loaf of cinnamon bread and one walkaway!). This recipe is halved to make one walkaway.