Parmesan Rosemary Flatbreads

We sure bake a lot of bread in this house. I used to make focaccia bread a couple of times a week, but lately this incredibly easy artisan bread has been on our dinner table most nights. I wanted to get out of that rut and thought I'd make these easy herbed flatbreads for a change. I hadn't made these in ages but they are easy and fun to make and can be also used as an appetizer.
This delicious bread is sort of a cross between a cracker and a bread. It's a great excuse to break out your pasta rollers, if you have them. The dough is divided into small pieces and passed through pasta rollers to make a nice flat bread. If you don't have pasta rollers, just roll them out by hand but the pasta rollers make it so much easier and faster. These little breads don't have to be a uniform size or shape - it's kind of rustic anyway if they are not.